Spring 2017




By Keenan Hurley
Directed by Patrick Swailes Caldwell

Maddy Baker
Ian Edlund
McKenna Harrington
Tony Macht
Wayne Mackins
Peter McNally
Angel Uwamahoro
Jenna Wyman
Jamie Wygle

Production Stage Manager: Kendall Allen
Scenic Design: Andrew Connelly
Costume Design: Danica Martino
Lighting Design: Asa Lipton
Sound Design: Franco Giacomarra and Keenan Hurley
Projection Design: John Bezark
Movement Consultant/Choreographer: Kedian Keohan
Tap Choreographer: Sheridan Stevens
Music Director/Musical Arrangements: Billy Recce
Assistant Set Design: Ellie Ryan, Grace Carlyle Berry, Annalee Tomanelli
Assistant Costume Design: Glenn Morizio, Leigh Honigman, David Kahawaii
Assistant Lighting Design: Natalie Avery
Assistant Sound Design: Ella May Hunsader
Assistant Stage Managers: Josh Hall and Emma Hasselbach
Production Assistant: Jordan Goldberg

February 13, 14, and 15 at 7:30pm
In the Kehoe Studio Theater

Reservations: reservations@shadowsplay.info


Great Falls

By Lee Blessing
Directed by Vincent Gunn

Grace Fojtik
Giuseppe Mele

Production Stage Manager: Jennifer M. Leary
Scenic Design: Alesha Kilayko
Costume Design: Danica Martino
Lighting Design: Valerie Insardi
Sound Design: Caroline Eng
Assistant Director: Marc David Wright
Assistant Set Design: Dria Davila and Nicole DeSimone
Assistant Costume Design: Ellie Ryan
Assistant Lighting Design: Gwen Sewell
Assistant Sound Design: Kylie Groff
Assistant Stage Manager: Joseph DiBernardo

February 23, 24, and 25 at 7:30pm
In the Whitebox Studio Theater

Reservations: greatfallsfordham@gmail.com


How to Make Friends and Then Kill Them

By Halley Feiffer
Directed by Anna Michael

Elizabeth Kline
Emma Payne
Rachel Ravel

Production Stage Manager: Alexandria Bush
Scenic Design: Daniel Loveridge
Costume Design: Danica Martino
Lighting Design: Natalie Avery
Sound Design: Caroline Eng
Assistant Set Design: Jimmy Kenna
Assistant Costume Design: Ellie Ryan
Assistant Sound Design: Kaylie Groff
Assistant Stage Manager: Will Cannon
Master Carpenter: Moira McAuliffe
Scenic Painter: Maria Shinas
Assistant Director: David Kahawaii IV

February 27, 28, and March 1 at 7:30pm
In the Kehoe Studio Theater

Reservations: HTMFordham@gmail.com


By David Weiner
Directed by Kendall Allen

Moira McCauliffe
Elka Chowdhury
Victoria Duffy

Scenic Design: Maria Shinas
Costume Design: Ellie Ryan
Lighting Design: Alesha Kilayko
Sound Design: Caroline Eng
Movement: Alexa Reidenauer
Assistant Director: Eric Taylor

March 27, 28, 29 at 7:30pm
In the Kehoe Studio Theater

Reservations: kallen10@fordham.edu


Little Nemo In Slumberland

Adopted by Aladdin Lee Grant Rutledge Collar
Directed by Peter McNally

Maddy Baker
Daniel Duren
Miles Gutierrez-Riley
Annabel Hope
Grant Lowenstein
Douglas Pardella

Production Stage Manager: Hannah Brooks
Lighting Design: Val Insardi
Costume Design: Danica Martino
Sound Design: Keenan Hurley

March 30, 31, and April 1 at 7:30pm
In the Whitebox Studio Theater

Reservations: littlenemoemail@gmail.com


The Nether

By Jennifer Haley
Directed by David Kahawaii IV

Avalon Christie
Josh Fulton
James Kenna
Joey Nasta
Rachel Ravel

Production Stage Manager: Dana Seach
Assistant Director: Franco Giacomarra
Scenic Design: Vincent Gunn
Costume Design: Elizabeth Wilson
Sound Design: Caroline Eng
Lighting Design: TBA
Assistant Stage Manager: Joe DiBernardo
Assistant Scenic Design: Ellie Ryan and Isabel Loughlin
Assistant Sound Design: Miles Gutierrez-Riley
Assistant Costume Design: Geena Roth
Co-Props Masters: Kayce Wilson and Sarah Lazarus
Associate Producer: Austin Spero

April 27, 28, 29 at 7:30pm
In the Whitebox Studio Theater

Reservations: thenetherfordham@gmail.com



All performances are free, but seating is limited, so reservations are strongly suggested.