Matthew Tiemstra



The Owl Answers Shakespeare Daniel Alexander Jones Fordham University
Twelfth Night Duke Orsino Will Edson Hearthfire Theatre
The Taming School Rafe Michael Cavanaugh San Francisco Shakespeare Festival Green Show
Witchipedia Smudge Rebecca Ennals San Francisco Shakespeare Festival Green Show
Into the Woods Steward/Chorus John Bremner Fordham University
Ruined Aid Worker Isis Misdary Fordham University
Macbeth Macbeth Emily Jordan San Francisco Shakespeare Festival
Advanced Shakespeare Workshop


Bloody Donny’s Fingers Frankie Robert Tiemstra Timestar Pictures
A Walk in the Park Bystander Jonathan Ritter Movie Making Throughout the Bay


Fordham University (2012 – 2016)
Kenny Leon, Matthew Maguire, Dawn Saito, Daniel Alexander Jones

London Dramatic Academy (2015)
Kathryn Pogson, Simon Dormandy, Zoe Waites, Aoife Smyth

Bay Area Shakespeare Camps (2006 – 2011)
Rebecca Ennals, Michael Storm, Emily Jordan

Private Vocal Instruction (2009 – 2011)
Scarlett Hepworth

Special Skills

Scottish, Russian, Irish, English (RP, London, Northern), Texan and Australian Accents, conversational Spanish, working Italian, Improvisational Comedy, Juggling, Stage Combat (Unarmed and Rapier), Musical Theatre and Choral singing, Ballroom dance (Waltz, Polka), Ceili, Tennis, Baseball, Carpentry, Making Puns Out of Anything