The Owl Answers (And Sun)

Both plays are by Adrienne Kennedy
Directed by Daniel Alexander Jones

February 24, 25, 26, March 3, 4, 5

All performances are at 8 p.m.

Special Events

Opening Night, Wednesday, 2/24 (FREE with show ticket)
Join us for our opening night party, immediately following the performance. Sponsored by The Center on Religion and Culture‘s Duffy Conversations.

Talkback on Friday, 2/26 (FREE)
Please join the cast, the creative/production team, and the Director for a talkback immediately following Thursday’s performance. Discussions will revolve around the plays (The Owl Answers and Sun) dynamic structures and complex themes. Hosted by, cultural anthropologist and tenured professor of African and African American Studies at Fordham University, Dr. Aimee Meredith Cox.

Reading of People Who Led to My Plays on, Thursday, 3/3 @ 4:30 pm: Location, White Box Studio (FREE)
“Adrienne Kennedy gives us an intimate glimpse into her brilliant mind and multivalent influences as she pioneers a new kind of biography, illuminating and embodying the idea of creativity as a collaborative process. She reminds us that art, even when created by an individual, is inextricably connected to our social, cultural and family experiences–from the transformative to the mundane.”

                                               —Thelma Golden

People Who Led to My Plays achieves a rare feat. It is a deftly crafted autobiography, detailing the life of playwright Adrienne Kennedy and the tumultuous decades through which she has lived – and – it is also a spectacular manual charting the rigorous and often mysterious process of harnessing and distilling raw lived experience, through the crucible of one’s intellect and imagination, into powerful creative writing. Hailed by other artists and cultural critics as a landmark book since the publication of its first edition, People Who Led to My Plays is being introduced to a new generation through TCG’s beautiful reissue.

Join us at Fordham University for a special event on the afternoon of March 3rd.  Five celebrated theatre artists, all of whom have been shaped by the force of Kennedy’s dramatic oeuvre, gather to read passages from People Who Led to My Plays. Acclaimed interdisciplinary theatre artists Eisa Davis, Stacey Karen Robinson, Rhonda Ross and Helga Davis will be introduced by Associate Professor and award-winning performance artist Daniel Alexander Jones, who is directing Fordham’s production of two of Kennedy’s plays, The Owl Answers, and Sun. We will pay tribute to a writer whose lived example of courageous creativity continues to provide a potent example of the power writing has as liberatory artistic practice.

“Just as her brilliant plays changed what was possible on the stage, Adrienne Kennedy’s autobiography transformed the form. Written with a poet’s insight and a dramatist’s sense of form, Kennedy’s autobiography is a classic—one that not only illuminates her singular work, but the world and politics that made her.”
—Hilton Als

The RSVP list for reserved seating is now closed. There is limited standing room available.


Fordham Theatre Presents: The Owl Answers (And Sun)

Part of A Season on the Mountaintop, a Mainstage production. Performances: February 24, 25, 26, March 3, 4, 5. All performances are at 8 p.m.